1044 Northern Boulevard Aceto Ademco Group/Div. of Honeywell Aerojet-Delft Corp. Afta Chemical Corp. Aircraft Parts Corp. Air Techniques Allied Vans Allwood Furniture Alufoil Corp. American Laubscher Corp. American Tortoise, Inc. Arkay Packaging Corp., Hauppauge, NY Arkay Packaging Corp., Roanoke, VA Arrow Electronics Artek Systems, Inc. Associated Transport, Inc. Audiovox Corp. Auth Electric A.W. Sperry Instruments Corp. B & S Aircraft Bank Of The Hamptons Bellco Health Belwin Mills Publishing Corp. Bilkays Express Co., Inc. Bio-Research Black Millwork BOCES Baldwin harbor School BOCES Jericho NY Bruderman Co., J.A. Bucknell Press Burmax By Debra, Inc. Calico Cottage, Inc. Chadick Furniture Charles W. Clark Co. Chemlawn Corporation Circuit Technolgy, Inc. Color-Pak Consolation Nursing Home Cortney Press, Inc. Creative Art Flower Cuddleknit Custom Made Paper Bags D. Waldner Daltile Datagraphix, Inc. Davenport Building Davidson Aluminum DiFazio Electric Co. Double Disc Grinding East Cambridge Savings Bank Estee Lauder Embassy Handprints, Inc. Fairchild Weston Systems, Inc. FedEx Ground Fluid Mechanisms, Inc. Forest Machining GAP Instruments GMI Graphics Georgetown Manor Gilben Lamp Co. Global Steel Products Goya Foods Inc. Guardian Chemical Corp. Guild Arts & Crafts, Inc. HSCRM Medical Building Harrison Electronics, Inc. Harwyn Shoes Hilord Chemical Hi-Mark Enterprises, Inc. Huffman Koos, Farmingdale, NY Huffman Koos, Lawrenceville, NJ Hygrade Metal Molding Mfg. Interleaf, Inc. NCR corp. ADDS Div. NDA Labs ICON, PLC. International Delights International Offset Corp. Interoll Corp. Instant Whip Processes I.W. Arms Works, Inc. J&A Young, Inc. Jaco Electronics |
Kastar, Inc. Kenroy Associates KWI LIR-USA Mfg. Co. Larkfield Medical Center LNR Communications Lambda Electronics Leviton Lily Popcorn Long Island Macaroni Lotus Development Corp. Melville Center Maytag Co. J.C. Moag Modern Metal Specialtics Monitor Motorola Communications Multiplex communications Multiwire Corp. NCR Corp. ADDS Div. NDA Labs National Moulding Corp. Nav-Tec Corp. New England Development Official Offset Corp. One Canal Park Opti Ray Optique DuMonde, Ltd. OSI Pharmaceuticals PCK Div. Kollmorgen Package All Corp. Parkell Products Pearlgreen Corporation Photocircuit Inc. Plaza Medical Building Plessey, Inc. Plumbing Industry Pollaks East Precision Container Corp. Preferred Women's OB/GYN Care Prestigeline, Inc. Primary Care Production Spray & Mfg. Corp. Promotion Mail Associates Qosina Corp. Quality Stair Co. R.A.I. Research Corp. Regal Poly Pak Reliance Plastic Corp. Reynold Croft R.F. Internoics, Inc. Richford Corp. Roche Biomedical Labs Royal Button Schenck-Micro, Inc. Scholastic Books Sedco Sys. Div. Of Raytheon Sleepy’s Southern Container Corp. Southern Wine & Spirits Space Storage Spectronics Corp. Standard Food Products Standard Microsystems Statewide Windows Steel Equities Struthers Electronics, Inc. Sturtevant Lumber Technimetal Precision Instruments Teledial Devices The Thomas Company Time Electronics Tribology/Tech Lube Two Canal Park Vanguard Extruder Venus Scientific Vernitron Corp. Village Pediatrics Wild Heerbrugg Instruments Winthrop Cardiology Wolins Pharmacal Corp. Woodbine Products, Inc. Ziff Publishing